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CBD Oil Quebec

What You Should Know About CBD Oil Quebec

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, has become increasingly popular for its potential health benefits in recent years. However, since consuming cannabis became legal in Canada, keeping up with trends has been a hassle.
With its rise in popularity comes confusion and questions about its legal status, especially in Quebec.
If you’re wondering whether CBD oil Quebec is legal, this post will help you understand the laws surrounding it. And expose everything you should know about CBD oil in Quebec.
Is CBD Oil Legal in Quebec? Understanding the Laws
The …

Medical Tourism to Fill Holes in Our Health Care System

Medical travel brokers bring optimism to a growing population facing escalating medical problems. They can help overcome long waiting periods that compromise your health by organizing treatments overseas, or they can provide “remedies” for whatever befalls you despite the absence of remedies available locally.
According to experts, much more work remains to be accomplished before medical travel brokers can be regarded as a solution for a constrained system or before medical tourism becomes a legal means to outsource medical treatment.

Will Canada’s Marijuana Industry Grow?

Justin Trudeau’s liberal administration is now displaying every intention of keeping its pledge to transform Canada’s cannabis environment. Aside from that, much remains uncertain, including the size of the Canadian marijuana market, the number of people it will hire, and the amount of tax revenue the state will receive.
Previously in early 2016, CIBC World Markets reported that legalized marijuana might become a $10 billion a year business, with the federal and state governments collecting $5 billion in tax revenue. The study concluded that, when …

Canada Becoming a Popular Medical Tourism Spot

According to a recent study on the global trade in medical tourism, governments worldwide are increasing their efforts to attract affluent travelers for medical care. This involves medical tourism in Canada, where it is viewed as a promising revenue stream for medical facilities.
According to Yanick Labrie, a Fraser Institute researcher, an increasing number of Canadians believe they must travel abroad to receive necessary medical treatment. One of the most often cited reasons for the trend is the long wait period for treatments in Canada. It is a sign of …